Thursday, April 29, 2010

Squirrel-dioms # 11

“It’s just like stealing candy from a squirrel.”

These amazing creatures were once known for their confectionary skills. Unfortunately, due to health laws and regulations we can no longer enjoy the benefits of their talents. Apparently there isn’t a hair net large enough to satisfy health code inspectors, as far as the squirrel goes. It truly is too bad though because their abilities to make yummy little treats was exceptional. The squirrel’s small appendages enhanced their abilities to make colorful and intricate decorations, adding to the appeal of their sugary sweets. Furthermore, their specialty was a nutty little candy that was so good you’d think it was dipped in heaven and sprinkled with angels. At the height of their confectionary success, a protest was started by conscientious parents that didn’t want their spoiled children eating what they deemed as “unsafe and unsanitary” candy. These rotten little babies, crazed by their sugar addictions started stealing the squirrel’s candy, which came to be known as a terrible and shameful crime. Isn’t it ironic that this cliché use to be about squirrels and now it’s about the perpetrator, babies? Or is it irony? Maybe this phrase was further inspired by a revenge plot by the squirrel who planned to steal back its candy from those miniature humans. Maybe, right? All I can do is speculate, which I do well.

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