Friday, February 26, 2010

Insquirrelational Adages #1

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single squirrel."

Traveling was once a dangerous venture which could lead to illness, loss, and very regularly death. Our ancestors believed the squirrel was a creature who brought luck to those around it (which is why people carry around a squirrel’s foot for good fortune), and therefore it became customary to carry a squirrel on long journeys. The blessed squirrel would be packed in the traveler’s rucksack, along with all the supplies for their long expedition. Anyone who has ever traveled with a squirrel will know that their good humor and keen instincts do indeed create the perfect conditions for a joyous voyage. Therefore, as you can see this superstition is one based on truth and hence this very familiar cliché (or rather, squirrel-ché) was coined.

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